Friday, June 10, 2011

Long distance letters

Letter #1

By Felicia

Dear Louis,

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever believe this would ever happen. I never expected to fall so deeply in love so fast.
It all started last week with your first email to me, "Call me, we need to speak!" I was just online trying to catch up with some friends and I had the pleasure of seeing your email message in my mailbox.
I wanted to wait a few days before calling you, but my heart had other plans. So I called you a few hours later and that was the beginning of this love affair to remember.
I remember we talked for hours about anything and everything. When you asked me to come to NYC to visit I was scared at first, but again my heart spoke for me. I decided to take a chance and see what would happen, but I never expected that we would say we loved each other before meeting. Now don't get me wrong I believe in love at first sight, but I thought I would be the last person to be bitten by that bug. When you surprised me with a dozen of long stemmed roses last Wednesday, I received a confirmation that had been in my heart since Sunday - that I loved you. When you said to me, "I love you," it gave me a little tingle in the pit of my stomach. Something I had never felt before.
When we saw each other Thursday night for the first time I knew you were real and not a dream that I had hoped to come true. The time we spent together in NYC was magical and so romantic that I never wanted it to end. When you asked me to move to NYC how could I say no? When you said you wanted me to be your wife how could I say no? Even though we live apart right now, I have faith that in due time this will all come to an end and we will be together forever. I love you more than words could ever show and I know you love me too. Like the saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Well, my heart has always and will continue to be quite fond of you. I love you more today than yesterday and I will love you more tomorrow than I did today!

Love always,

Letter #2

Dear Cassi,

Dreaming of the days when my lover lay beside me, my mind is in heaven, just imagining his touch. Every single part of him I have fallen in love with. His beautiful brown eyes glow; I can see my future in him. This gorgeous brown I will never forget.
His lips, so smooth just begging for a kiss. The perfect color, the perfect shape, and oh how I love to kiss those beautiful lips. The same lips that whisper 'I love you' embrace mine and I am reminded of the passion.
The stunning curve of his spine makes my hands lose control, I remember massaging his back, his shoulders. Hearing my love moan with every motion, every touch, every scratch, lets me know that he is in a land of bliss, which I provided day in, day out. Kissing and licking his knees, he shivered and shook with pleasure, I love to make him loose control.
Remembering when I lay next to him, admiring the sun on his skin... he reminded me of a statue sometimes. So handsome, so perfect. Pure beauty. Remembering his fingers twirling through my soft golden hair, him staring into my eyes as we had a speechless conversation.
Reminiscing of the mornings I would wake up next to him, his arm around me keeping me warm. Waking up being able to see him and kiss him good morning, with a soft 'I love you' being the first thing said. I remember being able to sleep next to him, being wrapped up warm in his arms.
But this dreamland no longer exists; I feel nothing. All I feel is the pain from his absence, and a constant longing for my love that drives me insane. A constant loneliness that never subsides.
The next time he will return to my arms seems like an eternity away.
Nowadays when I roll over, there is merely a pillow. When I look over to awe at my love, all that remains is the wall. I remember when it was him who warmed me, now there is merely a blanket. My bed has suddenly become huge without him next to me, my palm is empty without him to here hold it, and my heart is empty without him here to love me.
My mind is fried, all I think about is the next time I will see my love. I'm trying to stay strong, knowing that someday my love will return. Memories and the sound of his voice are the only things that keep me going, that keep me desperate for his return. Oh how I've hungered for his touch, for even a simple glance from those gorgeous eyes. Thinking of the next time I will wrap my arms around him and inhale the scent of his neck. When I will feel his stubble scratch my cheek, when I will be able to run my fingers over his shoulders and whisper 'Welcome home honey, I love you' into his ear. When I will be able to gaze into his eyes and kiss him, with this kiss expressing how much I've missed him, how much I've yearned for him. Every part of my body, longs for his touch.
A simple graze of his fingertips would be enough to make me fall to my knees.

I love you Michael.
Love Always,

Letter #3

By Lili

Dear Logan,

Since you came into my life, I've been so happy. The fact that we're a thousand miles apart is not a matter at all because you are always in my heart. You told me that I'm the right one. I cannot tell you how good that made me feels. I am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true. I'll wait for you for a lifetime if you want me to. Do you know why? Because you are the only one who sees me while I am invisible to others. I hope you never quit seeing how much my love for you is true.

Love Always,

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