Friday, June 10, 2011

Break-up letters

Letter #1 
Oh, where do I begin? Honey, you're great. You're more than great, you are wonderful. And we've had some really good times together, some good laughs, funny moments and touching memories. But there's something missing. We both know it and been avoiding this moment but the time has come. You know what I mean. We need to break up.
This has been coming on for a long time. We just don't communicate like we used to. Heck, here I am writing this to you instead of just speaking to you in person, what does that say about us? Look no one did anything wrong, it obviously just wasn't meant to be. So let's skip the blame and let me just express my sincere appreciation for you.
I admire you for your sense of confidence and self-esteem. You always seem so cool and in control and I look at you in awe. You are more intelligent than anyone I know and it goes beyond the normal book smarts, you have real world common sense. You understand the world and people and always know the right thing to do. And then you do that right thing. You are such a good and beautiful person. Thank you for allowing me to see your lovely soul and for sharing so much of yourself with me. You will make someone really happy someday. I want you to know you deserve a person who will see you as I see you every day, as the most incredible human being alive and a jewel that should be cherished and protected to allow it to shine. I am sorry I can't be that person for you. Thank you for teaching me to trust my instincts; you were the first person to show me my own truth. I don't lie anymore as you can probably tell from all of this.
I know it's cliche but I hope that we can still be friends in some capacity. I hope that we can put our differences aside and still root one another on as we continue to travel on this crazy life journey. If not, I understand. I can't say I'll agree or be okay with it at first but I will respect your decision. Thank you again for everything you have given me, . There will always be a special place in my heart for you.

Letter #2 

As you already know, I will be leaving in two weeks to work in the (name of the place). I have been building up my career so as to obtain a position as the company is offering me. Although it is a tough choice, I must take it up as there may never be another opportunity as this one. In light of this, I would like to end our relationship as my position will be permanent and we shall therefore not see each other often.
I will carry with me the memories of the three years we have spent together. I hope that we can continue to be friends and you will write to me from time to time to let me know how you are doing. My email address is still the same. I will send you the details of my address and cell phone number when I arrive in London. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Yours Sorrowfully,

Letter #3 

It is time for us to break up because I can't take your possessive jealousy anymore. You are unable to trust me despite the fact I have never given you a reason for mistrust. You are continuously questioning me when I come back home, from work or just a simple trip to the store.
You go through all my drawers. I do not know what you expect to find but I deserve some privacy and would never dream of doing this to you. You know that I care about you but I just cannot get you to understand that I am not doing anything to make you feel this way.
You tap into my email listen in on my phone calls. What are you trying to find? You know I have always been faithful to you and wanted us to bond. But you are not giving us a chance. Your mistrust of me has destroyed our relationship and I don't see that you can or will change. Rather than fighting a losing battle with you I would rather quit this relationship and break up. I know it will be better for us both after the break and we can stop torturing each other and move on.

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