Friday, June 10, 2011

Valentine love letters

Letter #1


Always know that I love you. I miss you every day. Although we remain friends and see each other all the time we are distant. We both know what feelings are stifled beneath smiles and being cordial. I catch you staring at me. Why do we deny each other? I watch your mouth move, words just words. I fight the feeling of kissing your mouth for such a long time that the words stop and there is just us left without the veil of denial. There will always be love here for you. Choose to try again and it will be yours forever...


Letter #2


I love so much about you that it is hard to pick just a couple of things out. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you smile. I even love it when you make me mad and don't know why. I love how when you upset me, you try so hard to make it better. I am so in love with you that I don't go one minute without thinking of you and wishing that I was with you! I can't stand to be without you for one second. You have truly turned me into myself. Before you, nobody allowed me to be me. You have allowed me to open up my heart and trust again. You have allowed me to smile and be happy again. And for that I love you. I thank you and I will forever cherish our memories and I know there are many more to come.


Letter #3


Lover you held me close, you touched my skin, you brought more joy than you'll ever know. My soul was breach on a daily basis by your love. The sound of your voice made my heart swing on the stars. Your eyes were truly the window to my souls contentment, evolving every way possible. The life I had with you was golden and no man can ever take away the love you and I shared. Giving is a selfless act, one that doesn't happen often, but you made it a thing of beauty as well as a regularity. A sensuous kiss to a passing glance, the mood was always perfect because you made me feel loved. You made me laugh in a way that only babies can laugh and feel pure. Those were the happiest times of my life because of you.


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